This knowledge base articles discusses the different types of SSLs DataBank offers to customers.
Most customers choose to go with the Thawte 123 for personal websites. Commercial websites with shopping carts typically use Thawte or Verisign.
- None
Just an FAQ for different types of SSLs that can be ordered
VeriSign is the one SSL type of SSL DataBank offers. You have a few options:
- VeriSign - 1 year -- verification requires business to fax over information, have good standing with the BBB, state validation methods, etc.
Thawte is the other SSL type Edge offers. You have a few options:
- Thawte - 1 year -- verification done via domain ownership, organization validated, plus order verification. More strict validation to get the SSL issued. Only protects a single domain, i.e. domain.com OR www.domain.com
- Thawte 123 - 1 year -- verification will be via email, i.e. domain validation. This is minimal verification and is reflected in the end user's browser. Only protects a single domain, i.e. domain.com OR www.domain.com
- Thawte EV - 1 year -- verification done via domain ownership, organization validated, plus additional verifications performed using validation criteria established by CA/Browser Forum. More strict validation to get the SSL issued. Browser bar will show secured site in green:
Only protects a single domain, i.e. domain.com OR www.domain.com - Thawte Wildcard - 1 year -- verification done via domain ownership, organization validated, plus order verification. More strict validation to get the SSL issued. Only protects the first level subdomains, i.e. www.domain.com, ftp.domain.com. Does not protect domain.com, my.sub.domain.com, etc.
- Multi-domain SSLs -- While not available in the support portal currently, Edge also offers multi-domain SSLs for up to 4 domains. Please contact us for pricing for multi-domain SSLs. Please note Thawte Wildcard Certificates are the only SSL type offered currently that support Multi-Domains.
- Before the SSL can be issued, part of the SSL process is verification from the company. This is often done by a third party source to confirm the request is valid. The verification will not be coming from DataBank. It is important that you respond to the confirmation that may come in the form of an e-mail, fax or phone call or the SSL will be automatically cancelled. The verification requested will depend on the type of SSL ordered as noted above and can include email validation; validation through state databases; and/or phone/fax verification.